Beginning today, April 27, you may register for reimbursement for caring for uninsured COVID-19 patients. Reimbursement rates will be based on Medicare payment rates. Physician services provided to uninsured patients, such as office and emergency visits, including those provided via telehealth, may be eligible for reimbursement through this program. Click here to register.

To participate, providers must attest to the following at registration:
- You have checked for health care coverage eligibility and confirmed that the patient is uninsured;
- You have verified that the patient does not have any coverage, including individual, employer-sponsored, Medicare or Medicaid;
- You confirm that no other payer will reimburse you for COVID-19 testing and/or care of that patient
In addition, you must agree that:
- You will accept defined program reimbursement as payment in full.
- You will not balance bill the patient.
- You agree to program terms and conditions and may be subject to post-reimbursement audit review.
Current E Central Medical Management clients may receive assistance with registering for this program. For information or assistance, please email